New Website

Unfortunately our old website was looking dated and eventually experienced some problems which made it impossible for me to update the content. I therefore took the decision, with the committee to create a completely new website from the ground up and this is the result. Most of the old content is still available on here but I’ve updated the look and feel to bring us properly into this decade. As time goes on I’ll also be adding additional content and features as I discover some new cool technologies to use within the website.

Check out the new page turning style for the magazines. If you want to zoom in on a magazine simply click the + magnifier to zoom in on it. Then click on your esc key to zoom back out. Hopefully I should be setting things up so other committee members can also post to this news page so watch this space.

Hope you like the new look and feel and let me know if you have any problems accessing it.

4 thoughts on “New Website”

  1. stephenwhatmore96

    The membership application is one that has 2018 on it, I’m sure an updated generic one with no year on it was sent to you.
    Road captains – it looks as if it’s a flow chat, thus putting some RCs above others?
    Old magazines – I found hard to access them in large enough print without clicking on same page in different places – I may be doing it wrong.

    1. Steve. I’ll have a look for the membership form. The RC page is an org chart with Mikey at the top. To fit on the page though we need to put everyone else in two rows. To view magazines, click on triangle in the middle and mag should display full page. Turning pages depends what device you are on. PC, use left/right arrow. Tablet/phone swipe left or right.

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