March Clubnight

So we held our March club night on Wednesday and it was great to see so many members there, most of them itching for the riding season to start. (More news on that later in this post).

But first, our Director Simon, welcomed Kamran, a member or SERV (Service by Emergency Rider Volunteers), our Chapter nominated charity for this year, who gave an excellent presentation on their charity and what they do. Thank you for your time Kamran. Simon then presented Bob the bus with his 20 year Chapter patch and Rob McGregor with his 15 year patch. Well done gents on your longevity with the Chapter. Simon lastly gave details of the upcoming rides, first our Memorial Ride on March 22nd, where we remember those past chapter members who are no longer with us but are always riding with us in our hearts. ❤️ Then we have the Back in the Saddle Ride on Sunday 30th March. All details can be found in our magazine or on the events tab of our Facebook Group. Lastly we have our annual skittles competition this Saturday 15th for those who have told Angie that they will be taking part. It’s always good fun but very competitive! 🤣 See you all there or on the upcoming rides! One last mention, those who were at the club night would have seen the merchandise on offer with our Chapter name and logo, many items including polo shirts, T- Shirts, hoodies etc. If they are of interest please come and browse or buy at the next club night, or contact our Merchandising Officer, Jackie Wakelin for more information. See you all soon!

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