Triumph trip
Triumph factory HinckleyLeaving from McDonalds Towcester, more details to follow
The Ambassadors ride (Rememberance day)
Bletchley cenotaphLeaving from McDonalds Towcester, more details to follow
The Walnut Tree Station Road, BlisworthOur Monthly club night at the Walnut Tree inn. Come and meet your friends in the Nene Valley family at our monthly club night.
Sycamore Harley Night
Annual Pub Skittles
12:00 with food. @12:30ish for those that want it, followed by skittles. I have our annual pub skittles event booked at the Peppermill, 2 Westbury Square, Daventry. NN11 4TQ. Who […]
Memorial Ride
McDonalds Towcester A43, Towcester, Northamptonshire, United KingdomOur memorial ride will be taking place 22nd March 2025. Please arrive at McDonalds Towcester for 10:00am, this will allow you time to get any refreshments and chat before the […]
HOG Chapter Day Newmarket
Newmarket Harley Davidson Oaks Drive, NewmarketKick off 2025 Riding season by coming down to Newmarket Harley-Davidson and meeting members of our sponsored HOG Chapters, Fenlanders, Iceni and Three Rivers. Discover their activities calendars, chat to the members, join up and get involved! So much planned in 2025. A Charity BBQ will also be held hosted by our Fenlanders Chapter,All welcome, […]
Harley Night At Big Jays
Back in the Saddle – Flight Deck rideout
Departing from Towcester McDonalds at 10:45hrs. Mikey leading.
The Walnut Tree Station Road, BlisworthOur monthly club night at the Walnut Tree Inn, Blisworth Come on down to the Walnut Tree for a natter with your mates and to plan your rides for the […]
April Fools Run – Cynthia Spencer Hospice
McDonalds Towcester A43, Towcester, Northamptonshire, United KingdomDeparting from Towcester McDonalds at 09:30am. Badger Leading A short ride over to Sixfields stadium. There we will congregate with the rest of the local Harley family for a parade ride into Northampton town centre. Once in town we will display the bikes for a couple of hours before either heading to Northants V Twin […]
Kickback Show Ride
Brackley BP Services A43 Brackley BP Services, Brackley, Northants, United KingdomDeparting from Brackley BP Services at 9am. Carl leading. Meet at A43 Brackley BP services, NN13 5SZ for a 09:00 departure. 64miles (1hr 45mins ish) To Three Counties Show Ground, Malvern. Tickets cost £14.95each, please purchase online before the ride… as long queues expected for buying at the gate. You will be free to […]